Wednesday, April 3, 2013

TED Reflection

My presentation went better and worse than expected.

It was worse in that I forgot when to change the slides sometimes (although one time, it wasn't my fault). It was worse in that I read off the note cards far more frequently than I expected and would have liked. It was worse when I started shaking towards the beginning. It was possibly worse in that I can't remember where I looked; I hope I looked at the audience, but I really don't know.

It was better in the audience reaction. Even though I practiced in front of friends, they couldn't accurately represent my audience's reactions because they were too close to me and the project. In addition, I will admit to using the audience's laughter as an opportunity to find my place on the note card. I count this as a positive because I didn't have the option in front of the small-scale practice groups. It was better because of the questions, which were far more numerous than I expected.

Something both good and bad was that I frequently strayed from what I wrote on the note cards. Sometimes the audience could certainly tell, and sometimes I'm positive they couldn't. I think many of the improvised actions and comments added to the overall value of my speech, though some detracted. I was disappointed in myself for not preparing well enough.

I would give myself somewhere around 27/30, with points off for preparation, reading off the cards, and overall public speaking skills. I know I made mistakes and I know I could have done better, but I was pretty satisfied overall with my performance.

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