Friday, March 1, 2013

3/1 Update

      I found this little green ball in the control pot. In fact, upon further inspection, I found many of these in the control, pebble, and manure pots. I'm sure they were not in the potting soil, as there are none in the plastic wrap pot. They look like teeny tiny grapes. I took one out to feel it; it had a hard shell like a nut, but popped when I squeezed it to reveal a hollow center.

      My theory is that these are radish seeds that were not covered by the soil. That they have already started to change demonstrates the rate of growth predicted by my sources. This could be a very good sign... but then again, it's only day one.


  1. Hey Nicole!

    This project looks awesome! It's cool to see someone else getting interested in plants. Your writing is hysterical, your voice really comes through. You've clearly done a lot of reading on the subject and the links are very convenient. The pics also help visualize your setups.

    The little green ball you found is a material called perlite, or some variant of it. It's a material that expands and soaks up water, and releases it when the rest of the soil dries out. I look forward to seeing how these experiments turn out! If you need any plant advice, feel free to ask me any questions (we all know I spend a little too much time with our green friends).

  2. Radishes. Elegant, but subtle. The plant of an artist.
    I respect your bravery, in going out there into the world, passing the final frontier of a garden fence, and planting radishes to your heart's delight. Unless, of course you're not using a garden, or you are, but it doesn't have a fence. Either way, those little green ball things are exciting. There's always an innate joy about discovering something new and alien to you. I wish you good luck with your "Radish Growin'".
